Is He Over His Ex Quiz?

I know you’ve been stressing about where his heart is really at. It’s okay to have questions, especially when little things make you wonder if he’s fully moved on from his past. You deserve to feel secure.

This quiz is just between us – no judgments here!

I’ll ask you some thoughtful questions about how he acts, and you answer honestly. Talking it through will help us get to the bottom of this.

  • Does he light up talking about his ex?
  • Does he stalk her on social media?
  • Do old pet names slip out?

Things like that can reveal a lot about his emotional availability.

I know part of you hopes his heart is 100% yours. But another part has niggling doubts. Whatever the truth is, we’ll get clear on it together. You deserve to understand where you stand in his world.

So, let’s start.

How does he respond to social media posts or updates from his ex?

How often does he bring up memories or stories involving his ex in conversations?

When planning future events or trips, how does he consider the involvement of his ex?

How does he handle discussions about his past relationship when you bring it up?

When meeting new people, how does he introduce his relationship status?

How does he respond to surprises or unexpected encounters with his ex?

How does he handle joint responsibilities or shared commitments from his past relationship?

How does he react to changes in your relationship that may be influenced by his past?

How does he manage communication boundaries with his ex?

When discussing your future together, how does he incorporate past relationship experiences?

How does she respond to social media posts or updates from her ex?

How often does she bring up memories or stories involving her ex in conversations?

When planning future events or trips, how does she consider the involvement of her ex?

How does she handle discussions about her past relationship when you bring it up?

When meeting new people, how does she introduce her relationship status?

How does she respond to surprises or unexpected encounters with her ex?

How does she handle joint responsibilities or shared commitments from her past relationship?

How does she react to changes in your relationship that may be influenced by his past?

How does she manage communication boundaries with her ex?

When discussing your future together, how does she incorporate past relationship experiences?

Is He Over His Ex Quiz?
Moving On
Your quiz result is Moving On, which indicates a healthy ability to let go of past relationships. This suggests that you prioritize the present and future, maintaining clear communication boundaries and focusing on building your current relationship.
Letting Go
Your quiz result is Letting Go, reflecting a positive attitude toward moving forward from past relationships. This indicates that you actively work on adapting to changes, maintaining appropriate boundaries, and building a shared future, despite some residual feelings.
Your quiz result is Neutral, suggesting a balanced approach to navigating past relationships. This means that you manage discussions and encounters without significant distress, occasionally experiencing moments of unease or indifference.
Your quiz result is Clinging, indicating challenges in fully detaching from past relationships. This suggests that you might struggle with adapting to changes, maintaining healthy communication boundaries, and embracing the current relationship, often due to lingering emotional ties causing discomfort.
Ethan Archer
About Ethan Archer

Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.

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