Does My Boyfriend Still Love Me Quiz?

Is the spark fading? Do you find yourself wondering if your boyfriend’s feelings have changed? You’re not alone – relationship doubts can creep in even in the happiest romances.

Take this quiz to gain insight into whether your boyfriend still feels the love or if things are starting to fizzle out. I’ll ask you questions about your interactions, his behavior, your intimacy, and other factors that reveal the state of his feelings.

You deserve clarity in your relationship. While no quiz can read his mind, reflecting on key aspects of your partnership can help you tune into what’s going on. You may discover he still adores you as much as ever, or you may gain motivation to have an open conversation with him about where you both stand.

Whatever the case, getting perspective can help you navigate this relationship with confidence and care for yourself. Let’s dive in – answering thoughtfully will provide you with greater clarity about your boyfriend’s true feelings.

Let’s find out!

How often does your boyfriend express affection towards you?

How does your boyfriend react when you express your feelings or needs?

How does your boyfriend prioritize spending time with you?

How does your boyfriend communicate during disagreements or conflicts?

How frequently does your boyfriend initiate contact with you?

How does your boyfriend react when you're feeling down or upset?

How does your boyfriend communicate about the future of your relationship?

How does your boyfriend handle disagreements or conflicts in your relationship?

How does your boyfriend react when you express your needs or desires in the relationship?

How does your boyfriend show appreciation for you in the relationship?

How does your boyfriend respond to your achievements or successes?

How does your boyfriend react to spending time with your friends or family?

How does your boyfriend react when you discuss concerns or issues in the relationship?

How does your boyfriend communicate with you when you're not together?

How does your boyfriend react when you share your thoughts and feelings with him?

How does your boyfriend react to your achievements or successes?

How does your boyfriend react when you express concerns or issues in the relationship?

How does your boyfriend behave when you're in social situations together?

How does your boyfriend react when you express your emotions, whether positive or negative?

How does your boyfriend react when you discuss future plans or goals together?

Does My Boyfriend Still Love Me Quiz?
Loves Me
Based on your responses, it appears that you are feeling secure and cherished in the relationship, as your boyfriend consistently demonstrates love and affection through both words and actions.
Still in Love
Based on your responses, it appears that you are still in a relationship where your boyfriend's feelings for you remain strong. However, there might be some aspects where his expressions of love could be clearer or more consistent. Overall, he values the relationship and is committed to making it work.
Based on your responses, it appears that you are uncertain about your boyfriend's feelings towards you. His actions or behaviors create doubt and make it challenging for you to understand where you stand in the relationship. You may feel the need for more clarity or reassurance from him.
No Signs
Based on your responses, it appears that you are feeling neglected, unappreciated, or disconnected in the relationship. There seems to be a lack of effort or interest from your boyfriend's side in maintaining the relationship, and his actions or behaviors do not demonstrate signs of love or affection towards you.
Ethan Archer
About Ethan Archer

Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.

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