Do I Have a Controlling Girlfriend Quiz?

A healthy relationship brings out each person’s best, but does your girlfriend’s behavior ever undermine your independence or self-esteem? You may not be sure if her actions are protective or possessive.

This quiz will help you determine if her ways express caring or controlling tendencies. I’ll ask about reactions to your schedule, friends, clothing choices and more. Your answers will provide perspective on respecting boundaries versus restricting freedom.

While no quiz can provide definitive answers, reflecting mindfully highlights needed insights. You may feel reassured of mutual trust. Or you may gain courage to discuss control issues.

My goal is to promote self-understanding and open communication – judgment-free. By tuning into your feelings, you can nurture healthy relationships that honor both individuals.

Let’s begin.

How does your girlfriend react when you spend time with friends or family?

How does your girlfriend react when you make plans without consulting her?

How does your girlfriend react when you express disagreement or differing opinions?

How does your girlfriend handle disagreements or arguments?

How does your girlfriend react when you express a desire to spend time alone or with other people?

How does your girlfriend handle disagreements or differing opinions?

How does your girlfriend react when you want to try a new hobby or activity?

How does your girlfriend respond when you receive a compliment from someone else?

How does your girlfriend feel about your close friendships with people of the opposite sex?

How does your girlfriend respond when you express a desire for personal space or alone time?

How does your girlfriend react when you make decisions about your career or education without consulting her first?

How does your girlfriend feel about you spending time with your family without her?

How does your girlfriend react when you express a differing political or religious view?

How does your girlfriend feel about you maintaining financial independence?

How does your girlfriend react when you want to make changes to your appearance?

How does your girlfriend feel about you maintaining close relationships with your friends from before you met her?

How does your girlfriend react when you achieve success or recognition at work/school?

How does your girlfriend feel about you maintaining boundaries with your ex-partners?

How does your girlfriend react when you receive attention from others, platonic or romantic?

How does your girlfriend feel about you maintaining autonomy over your social media presence?

Do I Have a Controlling Girlfriend Quiz?
Based on your responses, it appears that you are with an autonomous girlfriend. She cherishes your independence, trusts your judgment, and respects your boundaries. You're free to spend time with loved ones and enjoy personal space without feeling suffocated.
Based on your responses, it appears that you have found your dream girl. She's someone who believes in your independence and trusts you to make your own decisions. She not only respects your choices but also openly discusses plans with you.
Based on your responses, it appears that you are fortunate to have a concerned girlfriend. She deeply cares about your well-being and may feel a bit uneasy when you spend time away or make plans without involving her.
Based on your responses, it appears that you are experiencing behaviors from your girlfriend that aim to exert power or influence over you. These behaviors may include becoming upset or trying to manipulate you into spending all your time with her, dictating who you spend time with, insisting on being involved in all decisions, or attempting to control your thoughts and beliefs, which undermines your autonomy in the relationship.
Ethan Archer
About Ethan Archer

Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.

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