Are We More Than Friends Quiz?

So, you’ve developed a special connection with someone, but are the feelings mutual?

This quiz will help you evaluate if the bond has turned romantic.

I’ll ask about physical chemistry, emotional intimacy, future plans discussed, personal boundaries and other signals your friendship may be evolving. Your answers will reveal if things seem platonic or headed for relationship territory.

You deserve clarity around the mixed signals! While no quiz can read their mind, digging into the dynamics promotes self-awareness. You may realize your feelings are one-sided or gain confidence they feel the same spark.

Either way, this judgment-free assessment empowers you to communicate openly moving forward. Recognizing where you both stand emotionally allows nurturing the bond appropriately – as besties or something more.

Let’s dive in!

How do you feel about your friend's physical appearance?

How often do you think about spending time alone with your friend?

How comfortable are you with physical touch from your friend?

How do you feel when your friend talks about their romantic interests or dating life?

How do you feel when your friend compliments you?

How do you behave when you're around your friend's family or close friends?

How do you feel about your friend's future plans or goals?

How do you feel about the idea of your friend dating someone else?

How do you feel when your friend shares personal details or secrets with you?

How do you feel about the idea of going on a vacation or trip with your friend?

How do you react when your friend suggests hanging out one-on-one?

How do you feel about physical boundaries with your friend?

How do you feel when your friend spends time with someone else of the opposite gender?

How do you react when your friend compliments someone else in your presence?

How do you feel about the idea of going on a vacation with your friend?

How do you feel when your friend mentions the possibility of dating someone else?

How do you feel when your friend introduces you to others as their "best friend"?

How do you feel when your friend shows physical affection like holding hands or cuddling?

How do you feel about the idea of moving in together with your friend?

How do you react when your friend mentions plans for the future that involve both of you?

Are We More Than Friends Quiz?
Romantic Interest
Based on your responses, it appears that your relationship with your friend is grounded in a strong bond of friendship. You cherish their companionship and the time spent together, without any romantic inclinations.
Platonic Feelings
Based on your responses, it appears that you might have romantic feelings for your friend. You feel drawn to them in a way that surpasses mere friendship, and you may desire a deeper, romantic connection with them.
Based on your responses, it appears that your feelings towards your friend are purely platonic. You see your relationship as strictly friendly and have no interest in pursuing a romantic connection.
Ethan Archer
About Ethan Archer

Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.

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