Am I Over Him Quiz?

Breaking up is hard to do, but moving on is even harder. When a relationship ends, it’s normal to have lingering feelings and thoughts about your ex. But at some point, you need to ask yourself – am I truly over him, or am I still holding onto something that’s keeping me from fully healing and embracing new possibilities?

This quiz is designed to help you gain clarity on where you stand emotionally after your breakup. It’ll probe your thought patterns, behaviors, and emotional state to determine if you’ve successfully disentangled yourself from your ex, or if you’re still tethered to the past in ways that are hindering your growth.

Some questions will seem obvious, while others may catch you off guard and reveal unconscious biases or buried emotions you’ve been suppressing. Be honest with yourself as you go through each scenario.

The more honest you are, the more accurate the results will be in diagnosing your true headspace.

So, let’s find out.

How often do you think about him?

How do you feel when you see him with someone else?

Do you still check his social media frequently?

How do you feel about the idea of him dating someone new?

How often do you reminisce about past memories with him?

How do you feel when you hear news about his life?

How do you feel about the idea of meeting new people and dating?

How do you feel about the thought of rekindling your relationship with him?

How do you feel when you think about his flaws or shortcomings?

How do you feel when you imagine your future without him?

How do you feel when you hear his name mentioned in conversation?

How do you react when you accidentally come across old photos of the two of you?

How often do you find yourself ruminating over past conversations or encounters with him?

How do you feel about the idea of him moving on and finding happiness with someone else?

How do you feel when you see him in person?

How do you feel about deleting old messages or mementos related to him?

How do you feel about the thought of him being a part of your future?

How do you feel about discussing him with your friends or family?

How do you feel about seeing him with someone new?

How often do you find yourself checking his social media profiles?

Am I Over Him Quiz?
Moving On
Based on your answers, it seems like you've moved on from your feelings for him. You're okay with him moving on and are focused on your own life now.
Almost There
Based on your answers, it seems like you're making progress in moving on from him. You still have some feelings lingering, but you're starting to focus more on yourself and letting go of the past.
Based on what you've answered, it seems like you're having a tough time letting go of him. Your feelings are still quite strong, making it hard for you to move forward and leave the past behind.
It seems like you're still really into him and finding it hard to let go. Your feelings are overwhelming, so it's important to focus on yourself and your happiness.
Ethan Archer
About Ethan Archer

Ethan is a writer and editor dedicated to exploring the dynamics of modern relationships. He also plays a pivotal role in shaping the editorial direction of RelationUp.

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